The need for God’s righteousness (1:18-3:20)
The provision of God’s righteousness (3:21-5:21)
The demonstration of God’s righteousness (sanctification) (6:1-8:39)
The vindication of God’s righteousness (restoration of Israel) (9:1-11:36)
The behavior of God’s righteousness (12:1-15:13)
Conclusion (15:14-16:27)
Here is the point: you need a righteousness that is not your own. You cannot earn it, you can’t buy it, you won’t find it anywhere other than in Jesus Christ. “I am the way, the truth, and the life! No one comes to the Father but by me!” If you did not come away from this study understanding your need for perfect righteousness and God’s provision of that righteousness in His Son, than I am afraid we have done you a great disservice.
Remember, in this doxology, Paul is worshipping! He is not giving a theological treatise.
I. The Power
a. Who is able? God or man. How you answer determines how you trust.
b. He establishes
c. The power is not the message, it is the God! We do not put out faith in a book, rather, we put it in the God who wrote it. If I wrote you a letter saying you need to serve jury duty, it would mean nothing. If the state of California did, however, that would make a difference. Same words, but different authority. We believe it is important because He said it was important.
d. What is the message?
Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. It is the message Paul articulates throughout this whole book. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ provides for us the perfect righteousness we need to stand justified by God. Paul says in Corinthians he was determined to know nothing among them except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. This was “Paul’s Gospel.” (read Romans 5:6-11) Paul’s gospel was not unique to Paul.
II. The Wonder: Jesus was not plan B.
a. The gospel kept secret (from long ages past)
b. The gospel revealed according to plan
God took several thousand years to weave together this gospel throughout redemptive history! And it is “by the Scriptures of the prophets” in other words, it was prophesied by them! And then, as if God was in heaven the whole time, with His finger up, just waiting, watching Abraham have Isaac, seeing the birth of a nation, watching them fall into apostasy, all the while giving clues about this coming redeemer with carefully placed prophecies throughout the whole testament, He is just waiting, and then, “at the proper time, He says “now.” This gospel happened according to the commandment of God! That is what Paul is saying, and that is why he worships! Listen to what Peter says in his first sermon: “This man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.” They were blind. They didn’t see it. Turn to Peter 1:10, and lets read what He says about this mystery.
This was IT. This was what they had waited for, all controlled by His command, and Jesus, through His apostles makes the gospel known to the world. This mystery, so important to Paul, is proclaimed to the world.
III. The Response: Obedience of faith.
This is new covenant language. The Jews always had a problem remaining faithful. The big difference is not just gentile inclusion, but a new heart indwelt with the Spirit of God that enables us to love God and seek after Him. (Jer 31:31,33). This should also be the natural response of everyone who hears and believes the gospel.