Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Bliss...

...the diligence of a man is his most precious possession. -Prov 12:27

So far, so good. I begin my fourth week tomorrow. I'm starting to miss my family, but being alone has it's benefits. I don't typically do very well when I'm alone, and I know if I were completely alone, I would be going crazy, but I'm not. I'm with the Downers. One of the nicest most wonderful families on earth. They have welcomed me as a part of their family, and I never feel alone with them here because I can just walk outside the door of my room, and someone is there.

While I'm feeling sentimental, let me tell you about my church. I belong to the most wonderful church I can imagine. That church is Beacon of Hope in St Paul. I don't want to sound extra-biblical hear, but if you live anywhere near St Paul, and you don't attend this church, I'm close to considering that a sin. The church is pastored by a dear friend and mentor Steve Lonetti. I could say a lot of things about how God has used Steve and Mary in the lives of Marie and I, but I want to focus more on Beacon. Let me just say this about Steve and Mary, they have been faithful.

I'm learning a little something out here about the amazing, permeating effects of God's Word being understood clearly, and diligently applied. The power is not in a preacher, or body, or church. The power is in God's infallible, inerrant, and Living Word. The early church fathers knew this, and so does Steve and the leadership. Why don't always know what God will do, or what He plans to do, but I believe something very powerful is going to happen in St Paul through Beacon of Hope, and when it does, I can promise you no one will take any credit for it, but will use it as a testimony of the power of God's Word proclaimed in a dark place.

I know this sounds strange, and this blog is getting longer than I would like it to be, but Beacon is my home, and it should be your home. If you're a Christian, you weren't meant to sit around, soak in good teaching, go home, feed the dog, and watch TV. You're meant to do something. Don't forget to read the next verse after Ephesians 2:8,9. The local church doesn't exist to serve you, but to serve Christ. The leadership of a church exists to equip the saints for the work of the ministry (Eph 4:12) That is what Beacon is about. Equipping you to minster, getting you in the fight, and holding you accountable. If you're not interested in living the life Christ has indeed redeemed you for, than stay home. You can always rest on God's unchangeing Grace, which requires nothing of you, but instead freely lavishes on you the benefits of fellowship with the Father. But I suspect that is not you. If you are restless in your spirit, but ignorant of why, go to Beacon. Let them help you find the life God has intended you to live.

With all that said, I know I belong there, but the Lord has me here. Some believe I came out here too early, and in a separate post, I may explain why this was the best decision for me and my family, but let me point out one thing. The Christian life is a high calling, and while I have always brimmed with enthusiasm, my follow through left much to be desired. Sometimes my will couldn't keep up with what my heart wanted to do. God needed to separate me for a season to temper me in some areas, and I already see that happening. Even my absence from Marie is providential, and God has allowed me to see why this time is important. At TMS, I'm not just learning the "what" but the "how and why," which is essential in ministry. I'm also gaining a deeper love and appreciation for my shepherds and my church. Please continue to pray for me, and for Beacon of Hope, and remember to thank God for everything.

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