Tuesday, July 21, 2009

packy packy

I have 22 days before I drive across the country to begin a journey I've only dreamed about for the past several years, and even as I write this my wife asks me, "is this really the best thing you could be doing with your time?"

As much as she is no stranger to seeing me waste time in the midst of a seemingly insurmountable amount of tasks, I am no stranger to being overwhelmed with various duties that seem impossible to achieve in the time allotted. I can only say this: God is good. He is faithful. Sometimes I have to chuckle when I see the looks on the faces of the people who critique my time/projects ratio. Yes, I need to still work, finish up distance ed courses, pack my entire house, finish my basement, find a suitable renter, rent a place in CA, process out of the Active Duty, get finances in order, complete yard work, fix my house up for renters, and other odds and ends that seem to add up so much... (I spent the entire day yesterday installing a new toilet in my upstairs bathroom... long story)

I can say this with full assurance. I'm not worried. I'm not overwhelmed. A lot needs to be done, but God has done much more with much less (like create a universe from nothing.) As soon as I saw that the Master's Seminary Orientation began August 17th, I turned and said to my wife, "It's going to take a miracle to make that happen." Believe me when I tell you that miracle is taking place before our eyes, and it's nothing short of what God did with Gideon. I am enjoying being a part of it, and am anxiously looking forward to the coming weeks, months, and years.

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