Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's all Greek to me...

So I plan on finishing 4 Greek quizzes and 2 online exams in the next 48 hours to hopefully be caught up in Greek and focus on other important things before the move. Today I have been hunkered down at my kitchen table memorizing vocab and going over paradigms. Thankfully, Bill Mounce does an excellent job explaining things. The good news about cramming for Greek is a lot of the lessons build off of each other like building blocks. The bad news is, well, a lot of the lessons build off of each other. I have been able to cram all the pieces together in my mind, and thankfully I have a method for memorizing vocab words that works very well for me. The only scary thing is at some point, all of this information I've stored in my brain without proper time to saturate will fizzle away, unless the Lord Himself helps me, and He has... in miraculous ways (it's a good story, ask me some time)

So that's where I'm at so far, bulldozing through a few chapters of Greek as quickly as possible to get things wrapped up. As one person put it, it's time to eat this elephant one bite at a time.

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