Sunday, October 18, 2009

House for...anything

A quick update for everyone that reads this. Marie is coming out here the 29th of October, so I get to be a dad and a husband again. Financially we are doing ok, but the house situation is still uncertain. We have it listed to rent for less than what we pay for month, but we're definitely willing to sell it. With what we have into it, we couldn't afford to sell it for less than 199,900, which is still less than we paid for it when we bought it. This amount would enable us to be done with it, and move forward to what God has for us here in California.

God has been so wonderful through all of this, both directly through His presence and peace, and also through His people like my dad, and of course the Downers. God is amazing, and I am so thankful for everything He has done for me.

1 comment:

  1. We are very thankful to God, and to the Downer's too (!!) Dad and I look forward to meeting them someday :)
